Friday, September 02, 2005

On Katrina and class

Slate Magazine has an interesting commentary on how Katrina appears to have disproportionately effected the poor, and African-Americans in particular, and how no one in the media is courageous enough to point that out. (Thanks to my friend Shea for pointing me to it).

I'm sure once the insurance claims are filed, the affluent will be able to commiserate as well. Of course, they will be getting a significant amount of their losses paid for. And, I'm not suggesting that a wealthy family's loss of home and irreplaceable baby footprint memorabilia is any less than a sharecropper's decendants' losses.

What gets me is that the poor shown greiving over dead babies and raped daughters didn't have to be there.

This storm was coming. We knew it was going to be terrible. People evacuated days before it came. But over 100,000 people stayed, most because they simply could not get out of town.

Why weren't they evacuated? Why weren't all those busses who can't be used now used then to transport these people to shelters outside of the expected disaster zone?


At 5:56 PM, September 05, 2005, Blogger eric said...

incompetency and apathy.

the poorest always suffer the worst in times of trouble. i doubt it will ever change.

wonder if ole shrub could see the dead babies and rape victims on his flyover before he decided to finally come down and show he gave a shit?


At 3:24 PM, September 14, 2005, Blogger Ruth said...

Ah. But at least we can all rest easy .... Trent Lott is going to have his house rebuilt, and the Shrub will be able to visit him there and enjoy a lemonade.

I hate these people.


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