Thursday, September 01, 2005

"Happy birthday, A,"

"do you want to pick up your sister after school today"

"No, I can't because she is too heavy."

hee hee.

A is three today. I love her more each day, and I just don't see how that's possible since it felt like my heart burst full three years ago.

Happy happy, little Squibby.


At 1:39 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger aaron said...

I have to ask -- where did the nickname Squibby come from?

At 3:59 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Daddy made nicknames for the two oldest kids when they were infants. He would come up with a nonsense word, and if they laughed loudly at it, that was their name. N is "Peebers," and A is "Squibby." As for infant S, the older sisters named her in utero "Tomato." I don't see her getting any other name - it was hard to call her by her given name for months after she was born!

At 12:04 AM, September 09, 2005, Blogger Sara said...

My daughter is also newly three. So far, it's proven to be such a funny age.


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