Saturday, August 13, 2005

What do you think?

Originally uploaded by kzturtlegirl.
Should I move to where this sheet metal sculpture is considered fine art and is featured in the local newspaper? There's a slight chance I may, and believe it or not, I'm working hard to make it a reality. This moniker of cheesiness is the by-product of better schools than where my kids will be going. It's all about the kids... and the housing prices. Can my blueness survive in a haven for white supremecists? I hear the locals have been chasing them out... maybe there is hope.


At 11:49 AM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Tulipmania said...

I hear you! Better schools are so important.
Have you checked out the Northwest? Where I live is considered VERY progressive and liberal and we have the top schools in Seattle. I love it here and I know you love nature and beauty......I bet you would too.

At 1:04 PM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Oh, yeah, I'd love it up there for sure. But there's no job for me in the liberal NW that I can find.


When do your kids start school? N starts Kindergarten August 29th.

At 8:56 PM, August 17, 2005, Blogger eric said...

my oldest starts kindergarten on the 22nd.



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