Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The reason I'm not at work today does have something to do with staying home to help Hubby care for two croupy kids. (Thankfully, N is healthy... so far). But it also has to do with I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. It's from a combination of sick kids who are having trouble sleeping, a recent increase in an already huge thyroid medication dosage, and Harry Potter. I'm reading two of the books at once - Sorcerer's Stone aloud to my kids. After getting halfway through Half Blood Prince, I realized I really should read the previous books again just to get more out of it, so I'm also reading ahead of what my kids can sit still for.

I love a first read of a book from an author I love. I'm still getting through "Salmon of Doubt" after having it for almost a year, simply because it is the very last first read of any Douglas Adams book for me.

The result is I'm more exhausted than I think I've ever been before. My kids are, too, poor things. But not exhausted enough to sleep at the same time. I usually only get the chance to read to myself late at night when everyone else has fallen asleep. By the time the book is falling out of my hands, one child wakes up. By the time she falls asleep again, the other girl starts coughing. When she falls asleep, I lay awake worrying about how little sleep I'm getting, feeling the PPD creep deeper in, and then a kid wakes up again. And so it goes through the night... for the past WEEK.

I really wish I had family nearby - I just want to be taken care of for a night.


At 9:26 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger erinberry said...

Ah, Harry Potter! So good.

Get weel soon!

At 9:26 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger erinberry said...

errr... make that "well"

At 10:47 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger Tulipmania said...

Hi KZ!
I hope you and your family get better really soon! Yes, it looks like we have both had busy summers, huh. I have kept an eye on your blog and have learned so much from your political commentary--I told my husband about one of your posts because I hadn't even read about it and I liked the way you summarized the issue. I wish I wasn't so exhausted at night--there is so very much to read and learn and I feel I miss out on so much information. Thank you for writing about so many interesting subjects--
On another note--thyroid fluctuations can really influence depression, correct? I know mine was out of control, up and down during the first year of PPD.

At 12:04 AM, July 27, 2005, Blogger eric said...

i'm still at the "see spot run" stage, so i get off easy.


At 8:29 AM, July 27, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Wow, thanks for the support! I'm home again today - S had a pretty bad night.

Newmom- Salmon of Doubt is essentially what they found off of the hardrive of DA's Mac. He had a partially-finished novel (let's face it, even his published novels were never really finished - he kept changing them, LOL) and some essays. He is definately in my top three authors, and is sorely missed. Have you read "Last Chance to See?"

Erinberry - I always read you with a bit of a Scottish brogue, so the "weel" fits in nicely, hee hee. Happy Anniversary! Did you finish HBP yet?

Tulip - Yes, definately thyroid has an affect on depression. I've been beyond terrible about taking my Zoloft, for sahost of reasons. I'm hoping getting my thyroid under control will help. Glad you like my politico side. Thanks!

Eric - the kids are proto-readers, so D&J haven't been introduced yet, LOL. Potter's great because it's a fun story with NO PICTURES! Great for bedtime with the lights low. I multitask - everything I do seems to have more than one purpose, LOL.


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