Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Formula poop

Tonight, S had a big nasty stinky brown formula poop.

I nearly cried. I just might, still.

I stink at pumping. I can't keep up with her demand while I'm away at work. Hubby has to supplement. I stink so much at pumping that I'm only bothering to pump once a day, and some days I skip it all together. I get so little, it just doesn't seem worth the effort.

So, no more hay-smelling mustard-yellow breastfeeding poops.

I know this sounds overly melodramatic, but right now, I feel I have failed.


At 1:51 PM, July 13, 2005, Blogger erinberry said...

Aww, you haven't failed!! It is wonderful that you have breast-fed her this long!

At 3:33 PM, July 19, 2005, Blogger Sara said...

Having to pump and failing to produce is one of my worst nightmares. I feel for you. Have you visited KellyMom's pumping section? http://kellymom.com/bf/pumping/index.html

At 10:22 PM, July 23, 2005, Blogger eric said...

you only fail if your kid can't eat and starves. and that's not going to happen, so don't feel bad.



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