Saturday, July 09, 2005


Red Statement pointed me to this new family link.

I started out getting rather perturbed at the article, thinking it was some "women should think more about their husbands before they work at a job outside the home" piece of, ummm, offal. However, as a woman who does struggle a bit with the "Cinderella Complex" they mentioned, it was nice to see my feelings weren't just me, other working moms have similar feelings.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not so resentful I'm plotting anything, it just hits me at times, particularly when he's had a hard day at home with the kids and needs to talk about it, and I'm trying to listen all the while thinking I'd give my left arm to have a day like that instead of having to be away from the kids all day.

But, sometimes, particularly when two out of three girls are distressed, I can see how an office environment can seem like an escape.

If only it were a voluntary escape.


At 11:36 AM, July 10, 2005, Blogger Tulipmania said...

Hi KZ!
I wish there was an answer. I wish you could be home with your girls too because I know that's what you want so much. I would love to have a society where children and family were valued and we could make it work to have both parents at home, at least for the first year. They manage to do it in Scandanavian countries but with "baby Bush" running the country, I don't think were ever going to go in that direction.


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