Sunday, August 21, 2005

Big doin's

n yellow belt
Originally uploaded by kzturtlegirl.
It's a momentous two weeks for N. This past Friday, she earned her Cheetah patch for her yellow belt in Karate. She really kicked butt in testing. This is not a very good picture of her, but it's the only digital I have uploaded in her karate uniform (now quite different with a different V patch and belt). She usually wears a very happy face in class, nothing like this serious pose. Oh, well, it's better than her friend who's wielding a bloody sword in his photo!

Then, she starts kindergarten in just one week. I have one week to fit in all the pre-school, no-schedule fun that befits a kid of her age. But, alas, that's not gonna happen because *I'm* on a schedule. Darn how that happens, eh? We did get a few supplies, I may even iron a dress of hers. I don't iron for just anyone. Aside from that, I'm just trying to reign in my antidisestablishment tendencies and let her go to school with as little Mom-baggage as possible.

I understand Eric's oldest starts K tomorrow! Good luck! I hope he loves it!


At 8:51 PM, August 21, 2005, Blogger eric said...

yep. sad, proud.

asa went to a b-day party sat. for a pre-school friend. his parents are holding him back a year in pre-school because he's not ready.

oh man. i envy them in a way. no more mornings with my little guy (my wife teaches first grade and he's going to school where she teaches).

BUT it'll give me more one on one time with the 2 year old. of course, i'll have to wake up better because asa can't cover my ass anymore helping his little brother.

i feel good about that pre-k time. in the past week or so i took him to an atlanta braves game. today, his last day off the grid, he went to the gym with me as i played basketball. afterward we jumped in the pool and i let him ride home through our subdivision in the back of the truck.

a last fling at summer.

At 8:51 PM, August 21, 2005, Blogger eric said...

oh yeah, asa would freak to see that bowstaff.

he wants to be darth maul so bad.


At 7:52 AM, August 22, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

The girls all have light sabers - they even make garbled electronic sounds when they clash. Hubby often has to be taught a lesson in sharing when they get to playing, as he doesn't always relenquish his light saber when asked.

Enjoy that time with the younger. I think our two-year-old will enjoy the time spent out of older sis' shadow, of sorts. But she's already asking about when she can start school.

Great that Mom is so close to Asa's classroom. And nice she's a first-grade teacher. I imagine it's tougher on the kids when Mom is teaching at their jr. high, eh? In grade school, it has to be plain comforting.

At 7:52 PM, August 22, 2005, Blogger eric said...

that's why i have EXTRA lightsabers. let me tell you, if i were a little guy, i'd be wearing those suckers on my belt all day.



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