Sunday, September 04, 2005

My car was stolen

Some creep stole my old car with two car seats in the back from the parking lot at Sea World.

He also got my purse, with my cell phone and credit cards, which he has seen fit to use both of.

Ya' know, if you have to steal a car, don't steal one that's going to strand an out-of-state parent and at least two little kids in the middle of a large parking lot late at night.

I'm keeping my cell phone going for the rest of the weekend. I have free weekend minutes, I figure I'd like to see who he's calling. He's called at least two places, and I'm inclined to post their numbers so you can call them and tell the people who answer what you think of their friend.

Instead, since that might be harrassment, feel free to call my cell phone until midnight Sunday. (deleted), and tell the idiot (who amazingly enough answered the phone when I called) what you think of him.


At 8:46 PM, September 04, 2005, Blogger Tulipmania said...

That's TERRIBLE. I'm so sorry that's happened. Can the police use the phone numbers to nail the bastard. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I used to take my girls to Sea World in San Diego all the time by myself--I couldn't imagine being stranded there. I hope you get home safely and you get everything back!

At 11:32 AM, September 05, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Unfortunately, the police will do no investigation into this until TUESDAY as the detectives for stolen cars are away for the holiday weekend.

Remind me, should I ever need to steal a car, to do it on a holiday weekend. I have dates, times, and locations for when my stuff was used - they could have caught this guy Sunday morning if they cared.

At 5:58 PM, September 05, 2005, Blogger eric said...

i wish it weren't closing in on midnight tuesday or i'd give the loser a call.

so, what did he say to you when you called?



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