Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Giggles and shoes

A woke up this morning very upset that her sister stole her yellow shoe from her in her dreams. It was a sandal, decorated in some way, perhaps with flowers or ducks. She said it was like Cinderella.

Just how do you console a two-year-old about a stolen shoe in her dreams? Well, for one, you let her inspect the dreamcatcher hanging in the room to see if the shoe is caught in it. You also tell her that this means she gets the Prince. And, you do your best not to giggle.

Which brings me to gossip. Let's drag this out, shall we? My studyhall is the bathroom. My book of choice lays in wait on the tank for those few spare minutes I have each day (when I have them - I have been known to just plain forget to pee all day) to read a passage or two. My book of choice at the moment, often found under piles of Astronomy and National Geographic magazines, and a few books about airplanes and/or Ancient Egypt(Hubby's choice readings), is Queen Bees and Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman (a very insightful book, although I think some types of girls are left out of it). I'm in the middle of the chapter about teasing and gossip. I may have a post later about the whole book, so let me just say that it says girls gossip - a LOT. And, yeah, they do. I'm finding the text a rather unexpected window into my workplace as well, where mostly the MEN gossip. Anyways, how do you defeat gossip in your dreams? Have you ever woken up from a vehment, gut-wrenching, get-out-the-lawyers dream fight with your spouse and had a hard time not being angry with him/her for a few hours? Ahem. Perhaps I've admitted too much.

But, in the true wonder of childhood forgiveness, A ran right up to her bleary-eyed sister and gave her a big hug (although she did tell N that she stole her shoe).

I hope that, were I ever faced with a shoe-thief who dared to steal just one of my shoes (which seems so much worse than taking the pair - I mean, taking both, perhaps you needed to be shod. Taking one, you just need to be shot!), I will take a lesson from my daughter.


At 9:32 PM, June 01, 2005, Blogger Tulipmania said...

It's so sweet when kids start working out their feelings through their dreams. My two year old is just starting to explain her dreams to me too. A window into her mind.....I love it.
I put your questions on my blog! Thank you so much for asking for them...:)


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