Saturday, May 21, 2005

Aaagh! The ethernet gods have taken their sacrifice

Inspired by , I wrote a long post, complete with links, about Senator Ensign and the upcoming Senatorial implosion. But, these darned laptops, sometimes they just CLICK, you know? The curser gets put somewhere dangerous and even if I'm across the room nowhere near the mouse button it automatically clicks and all two hours gets deleted. HOW does this happen? The IT folks at work insist that this cannot be happening, but EVERY touchpad laptop I've used will do this at the most frusterating times.

Sigh. Anyways, in case I don't get a chance to rewrite all of that (and I do, after all, have three kids climbing all over me wanting to play right now), put my vote down as "Bite ME" for Ensign and all boot-licking toady senators who toe the party line instead of actually looking at and thinking about the judicial nominees


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