Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ok, so I'm joining the bandwagon

I think enough babble, I might as well jot it down, eh? I'm throwing away my high school angst over doing what everyone else is doing, and joining the crowd. Now I blog. Let's see if I continue or not.

Today was a good day. I pumped over six ounces, my baby repeated yesterday's success of rolling over (back to front), and just before I came home for lunch, J thought she was acting a bit ornery so put her on the toilet and she peed! Yay! Daddy is trying elimination training, too!

Yesterday was even better. N made a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game all by herself. She drew four donkeys (one for each of us, except for S "because she's too little and can't walk"), made four tails, and taped four bandanas to the wall for our use (again, one for each of us, except for S "because you shouldn't put bandanas on baby's heads because it may choke them.") We played at lunch, and it was so much fun. Mostly because she was so excited about us all playing with HER game. She also made an obstacle course in the kid's bedroom, and we all had to run through it. A had a great time doing it. She's seen her big sister go through them at karate class and has wanted to join in. Now she got to! It ended with having to kneel on one knee and say, "Attitude!" A had a big grin when she did that. awwwww, I love having three sisters. They really revel in each others' company.... for now!


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