Friday, May 20, 2005

Even the Tooth Fairy has limits

My oldest daughter N, newly turned five, was discussing what she wanted the tooth fairy to bring her when she looses her first tooth. She is still afraid of the blood lost when a tooth comes out, but is very excited about the reward under her pillow. She is under the impression that the tooth fairy will bring her enough money to build a pool and fill it with pudding. We haven't discussed what flavor of pudding she wants to put into the pool, I think the appeal is swimming in pudding, not necessarily eating it. I have to admit, it does sound rather fun. Although, treading pudding sounds very laborious. I wonder if floaties would help? She later talked about filling the pool with mud so we could play in it. Luckily, she is considering filling our little plastic kiddie pool with mud instead of the in-ground swimming hole gift from TF. I think I can do that. I love the fun ideas she comes up with. They remind me of what I wanted to do when I was her age and never got the chance. Still, despite my great longing to travel cross-country alone on my pony, I don't think I'll let N do that, either. Luckily, she hasn't thought of that idea.

We were also discussing babies this morning, as I fed S while N was sitting next to me. In the mouths of babes, N said right after college she wanted to make a baby in the car. I haven't gathered the courage to tell Daddy this comment yet.


At 7:56 PM, May 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said... the car! ROFL!


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