Friday, June 10, 2005

Bring out the bhurkas

Kathy pointed me to this idiot discussing how disgusting breastfeeding in public is. He even compared it to urinating in the mall. Ick.

I babbled on in a not-so genteel way in a reply to Kathy's post, but I laid awake thinking about this, and woke up thinking about it, and came to the conclusion it's not about doing something nasty in public. It's about his comment, "...But for guys, it is nigh on impossible to switch from breasts as something sexual to breasts as take-out-food..."

Yes, that's it. Women shouldn't breastfeed in public because men, specifically this male in question, can't keep thinking about sex anytime they see a boob. Well, don't look in the mirror too much, Pal, or you'll never make it in to work.

Ok, so men think about sex. Newsflash: so do women. Hey, just because I think nearly any man looks sexy in a tuxedo doesn't mean I'm not going to let the groom wear one at a friend's wedding.

Now, I'm not an expert on religiously-doctrinated garb, but I'm assuming bhurkas (in my pre-dawn state, I was thinking "sherpas" and knew that was wrong ..... must be because I think Sherpas are sexy, too) are around to cover any femininity that may peek through, thus saving men from "impure" thoughts. They are then, I'm assuming, sold as a good idea to women as a safety measure, since of course it's all their fault if a man thinks impure thoughts. You know, "the rapist is the victim, not the raped" train of thought. If someone wants to wear a bhurka, all power to her (or him). But don't expect me to wear one simply because some nasties can't repress violent tendencies. That's one reason why I'm learning to kick butt. (Edited to add, since I realized I never got to my point:) Similarly, I'm not going to starve my baby for a couple of hours just because someone can't help but think "impure thoughts" when I nurse her. I think her needs to eat far outweigh anyone's need to stare.

To drone on and on about the subject, you see more cleavage at a football game (cheerleaders, topless man-fans, and Super Bowl half-time shows) than you do on most nursing moms. Heck, you see more on modest one-piece swimsuits than you do on nursing moms. It's not the boobs that brings the Prude out in him, I think, but the act of someone sucking on said boobs. I can see only two reasons this Ninny would be so upset about this: 1) it isn't him or 2) he's an incestuous pedophile who can't control his urges.

In conclusion, I'll make it real simple: We're mammals. Get over it.


At 7:01 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Right on, KZ! I hope you keep breast-feeding for a long, long time. My rant on this same subject is here.

At 7:31 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

I read with interest your posting from April. Thanks for pointing me to it! Were you to bum around this blog a bit, you might catch on that I am an avid attachment parenter, too. Sling, co-sleep, extended nursing, even elimination communication, LOL! I cringe when I hear of parents letting their babies cry for no other reason than a mis-guided attempt to instill that elusive American dream of "independance." In order to achieve independance, IMHO, you have to be very secure. How is anyone going to develop a sense of security by crying for food, warmth, comfort, or a clean diaper? Still, I know I would hate anyone trying to tell me I've got it all wrong, as some do, and even though I'm right, hee hee, I tend to stare off into the distance and bite my tongue when someone talks about using CIO on their baby. Poor kid.

Congrats on nursing so long! I nursed my first two daughters for about 23 months each, helping along self-weaning when I got pregnant again. As you mentioned in your posts, I was one of those moms afraid I wouldn't have enough milk, as that's what my mom was told when she had kids over 40 years ago. I'm still peeved that she was convinced of that! Not only because *I* didn't get the benefits of breastfeeding, but because she couldn't help me when I had such difficulties learning to breastfeed my first.

But, I've blabbed on enough. Thanks!


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