Monday, June 13, 2005

Anger management

Yesterday, after she dropped a backgammon game on S's little infant head, I had a talk about anger with A. Although she was upset she hurt her sister, A said she was crying because we were angry at her.

We talked about how it doesn't usually feel very good when we're angry, and it doesn't feel good when we make other people angry. And then I thought, no, sometimes it does feel good to make other people angry. I tried to think of a good example instead of a revengeful answer, and couldn't come up with anything very appealing.

And then I saw my Yahoo news today.

Ya' know, if Cheney doesn't know anyone who likes Howard Dean, that proves that he either has no connection with America outside of his gang of hoods, or he is such a control freak no one dares disagree with him. I say it's both.

Give 'em Hell, Dean! You're bringing out their true colors! You make them angry, make them react instead of spin, get them on their heels for once, and there may be hope. Thanks!


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