Friday, December 02, 2005

Caving In or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Furby

The two oldest girls have been asking for a Furby for months. Not just asking, but coming up and in stereo, in the most polite of voices, begging for a Furby on a weekly basis.


Hubby and I have been scared of these creatures since their debut in 1998. They're like Barney - FREAKY! Maybe it's the resemblence to Gremlins, or even worse, Hobgoblins . We were adamant that we would never have one in the house.

And then two little adorable moppets start asking for one. We told them in no uncertain terms that we would not let them have one because they were, well, FREAKY. They scared us. They were disturbing.

Then, the other day, it hit me. If the only reason we didn't want them to have a Furby was because we got the heebie-jeebies anytime we saw one, and not because they were dangerous, too expensive, a frivolous desire-of-the-minute, or honest-to-goodness Demons From Hell (although they come close... perhaps just a minor Demon from Hell's suburbs, like Blythe), then what kind of message are we sending our kids? Yah, ok, common sense, you've got me on that, and a curb on rampant consumerism, that too. But in the grander scheme of things, when they come home with purple hair, I'm still going to love them even if they are a bit different. Embrace diversity, all that stuff.

So, Furby will be under the tree this year. In all its gray and pink glory, talking like Oobie and asking if we're friends.

Is it immoral to tell a lie to a robot?


At 8:54 AM, December 02, 2005, Blogger Chris Benjamin said...

i could have sworn those things went out in 1999.

At 9:11 AM, December 02, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Ah, yes, those were the salad days. Furby madness had come and gone, the U.S. could still wear a white hat, and the Grand Canyon was still believed to have been made by geologic forces.

Perhaps the Furby is one of the Four Horsemen.

Welcome to my blog! It's always nice to see another environmental professional! (Although, my tortoise touching days are behind me, alas)

At 3:28 PM, December 08, 2005, Blogger SJ said...


At 7:40 AM, December 09, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

NewMom, I chose the "surprised" picture from the Furby website. Perhaps I should have chosen "scared" to sum up my feelings about it better.

Ditto, sj. How much you wanna bet your favorite family from The Amazing Race has a trunkful of them?


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