I really don't want to question the intelligence and moral value of people because of their choice of channel to program into the number one spot for their XM radio. But I do.
I've gotten into rows with people viscerally repulsed by the thought of interracial relationships. One claimed she wasn't a bigot because, hey, her daughter's best friend is black. There are times I wonder, and I admit I wonder with a smirk, how the mother would react if it evolved into an interracial lesbian relationship.
For me, my telling Flaming Brand of Bigotry is this admission: Some of my best friends listen to Fox News.
I really don't know how they do it. How they survive without their brains imploding is beyond me. Just like some can't fathom why a white woman would fall for a black man, I can't conceive how people listen to that drivel, much less believe it.
The KKK burns crosses on mixed-couple's front lawns. I fight back a sneer when someone tells me what they heard on Fox News on the way to work.
Them: Jim Crow laws, mob violence, lynchings. Me: Rolling eyes, heavy sighs, spit-takes.
"They can be good people. If they just had stronger family values, they'd get off welfare."
"I love my friends. Even though they're misguided, they have a good heart."
There's nothing wrong with people of a different race, it's just their skin color that's the issue.
There's nothing wrong with my friends, it's just Fox News that's the problem.
Just like racial bigots, I see no need to change my opinions about my chosen target.
The only difference between the racial bigot and me, of course, is that I'm right.
Alas, it's difficult to reconcile a liking for an individual and his/her allegiance to Faux News. I've learned to like certain family members despite this character flaw, but it's more necessary when you're talking family as opposed to friends. I do have a couple of friends who like Faux, but they're not close ones -- I think it's hard for me to be close to someone whose values don't generally agree with mine.
I guess when you share enough other stuff with someone, their chosen brand of entertainment is forgivible. The folks I work with, well, I have to work with them, and they really are nice to me. No one is perfect, eh?
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