Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Ok, just can the last entry

Because hating Fox News has nothing to do with irrational fears and baseless pedagogy. No, hating Fox News has everything to do with crap like this that they insist on propagating to the masses. (I swear I saw "Why the Left Hates Sex" headlined on FoxNews.com while reviewing it for my previous entry. I now cannot find the link on FoxNews, but really, they DID have it on there earlier!)

The Chemist does a great job breaking down the inane diatribe of Jennifer Roback Morse. Visit him for a larger review of her entire article. What I'm going to blabber on about are these excerpts:

"This assault on sex first emerged with the subject of income equality. This mind-set has never been at peace with the fact that child-bearing places distinct demands on both women and men. Men tend to work more steadily in the paid labor force throughout their lives, while women tend to cut back on their labor force participation during their child-bearing years. As long as men and women can cooperate throughout their lives in marriage, both men and women can be made better off by combining these different economic strategies. Men may have a larger amount written on their paychecks, but their wives get the benefit of their earning power.


"But the Left’s war on sex differences transcends the merely political, and pops up in the most personal ways. For instance, most first-time parents slide into “stereo-typical gender roles.” Studies show that people who embrace gender equality are likely to be upset by the arrival of their first child. Because of their deep commitment to equality, they often become angry at their partners and ultimately at themselves. Unless they can surrender their rigid Leftist gender ideology, their marriage is headed for divorce and they are headed for misery."

So, unless we women get married and go back to being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and obey our Lord and Master Husband in all things, and our men stop trying to be involved in raising the children, we are headed down a hedonistic path full of failed marriages and misery. Men can’t raise kids, and women can't ask to be treated fairly in the workplace. Because, you see, she shouldn't be in the workplace at all. She should get married straight out of school (high school, since Morse elsewhere in her article also shows a great disdain for anyone involved in collegiate studies, even though she has a PhD), or work and not complain about how she's getting paid less than her male counterparts. After all, men work harder and will stay with the company longer, and men have kids and a Little Woman at home to keep. How DARE we inconvenience The Corporation by having a womb... or a sense of self-worth.

The freaky thing about this woman's argument is that she is condemning her ideologue of "The Left" for championing gender equality, when she herself condemns women for being different than men. Can't women do ANYTHING right? We double-xers "tend" to cut back on our "labor force participation" when we have kids. Ok, maybe many of us do (although not me or the millions - actually billions if you use the entire human population - of other working moms). Yet, you see, the Eisenhower-era Stepford Wife Privileged Right paradigm in Morse's reality is not the reality in the grander, larger reality in this country. You know, the families who have kids being raised by either single dads, single moms, single grandparents, breadwinning moms with stay-at-home-dads, same-sex couples, and where both parents work at least one job. Add to that list of pariahs married couples who don't have kids at all either by choice or biology, and she's pretty much condemned the vast majority of American families to misery and divorce.

To insinuate that I am less of a woman for not marrying a man whom I can "get the benefit of (his) earning power" is fightin' words. Not to mention her assumptions that my husband is less of a man for not giving me that "benefit," and that he can't possibly raise the children in any reasonable fashion because he's not following the paradigm of the Privileged Right. Even if I had a trust-fund and a husband whom I could suck "benefit" off of (yes, go with the double entendre, please) so I wouldn't have to work, doesn't mean that he is any less capable of caring for the kids, or that I am any less worthy of earning what I am due. Yah, he's not going to squeeze any critters out of his dick, but he's still a Dad, a Parent, a person who knows which end the poop comes out of and how to kiss a boo-boo better than many Moms I know. And I may take my twelve weeks of (hard-earned, massive overtime worked to cover it and still working for The Office at home while on) maternity leave when I have a baby, but that doesn't mean my work is any less valuable than that of my male peers.

The Left doesn't hate sex. We, if I may speak for us all, like the diversity that the different sexes offer, and the multitude of solutions different sexes provide for getting through life. What we do hate is using sex to discriminate. Which is exactly what Dr. Morse is promoting.


At 3:33 PM, November 29, 2005, Blogger erinberry said...

Ugh ugh ugh ugh UUUUGGGHHH

At 8:53 AM, November 30, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

I'll have some of what you're having ; )

At 7:07 PM, November 30, 2005, Blogger Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Say it, woman! I can't fathom why Morse—or any female neocon—would want to go back to the '50s.

At 8:57 AM, December 02, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Katharine, I had to laugh when I visited your blog the other day. We both were on a prejudicial bent at the same time, for completely different reasons. Great minds think alike, eh?

I agree, though. WHAT have the neocon women been smoking? I guess at the end of a particularly tough day at the office, or struggling to make domestic decisions, it would be nice for someone else to just take care of it all and tell me what to do.

But, really, I'm sure the most powerful of men feel the same way. Why else would S&M be as popular as it is?


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