Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Why my daughter takes Karate

and why the others will when they're old enough.

This disgusting piece of misogyny (the article referenced, not the commentary I linked to) is just too disturbing to really comment on (or link directly to - just... icky to link to it). Feministe did, and I’ll let her speak for me and the rest of the decent people around… I just can’t bear to ruminate on the fact that there are people out there that think like that.

I'll just say that rapists are beyond scum. This asshole and his "property rights" piss proves he's only interested in himself, fuck everyone else. Literally.

I hope he finds himself in prison one day for finally being caught fucking someone over, surrounded by big beefy men who want to lay claim to him.

Yah, I don't usually curse (on this blog), but his blather is dangerous, and by blaming the victims, makes life that much more dangerous for the rest of us.

Hattip to Echidne for exposing me to this nightmare.



At 2:56 PM, November 29, 2005, Blogger eric said...

it's troubling that people think this way, but they do. i've found that it's usually because they have a huge hole inside them, and that if they truly allow themselves to feel pain, they'll be consumed by their inability to cope with it.

i feel sorry for him.


At 8:58 AM, November 30, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

Usually, I would feel sorry for someone so obviously disturbed - if nothing else, it helps dissuage my anger. But he crossed the line into derranged lunatic advocating violence against women (and men, and kids for that matter).

Perhaps I need your brand of restroom peacekeeping to talk me down.

At 2:03 PM, November 30, 2005, Blogger erinberry said...

That is beyond repugnant and vile. There's not even a word for it.

Unfortunately, libertarianism supports the abhorrent idea that everything comes down to property rights. The only reason that rape is "wrong", in their twisted view, is that it's a violation of property rights. (To them, the body=property).

At 8:54 AM, December 02, 2005, Blogger Katherine Zander said...

We have a strong contingent of Libertarians in my town. I've always been a bit astonished at their platform. I just hope that most of them 'round these parts don't cotton to this pricks ideas.

Or, I just might have to keep the bow and arrow at the ready.

At 7:25 PM, December 10, 2005, Blogger eric said...

i understand your anger, though. it's more easy for me, as a man, to say something like that.

because i don't have to feel the sting of victimization. and i don't have little girls, either.



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